This garden is for the use of residents of Moonee Valley City Council Precinct. All members are encouraged to practice organic gardening
1. This is a community garden and as such members are expected to contribute a little time to the garden’s upkeep.We ask that you attend a minimum of 2 “working bees” each year per plot. A
surcharge of $50 will be added to the annual fees for members who do not attend 2 working bees or contribute the equivalent of 6 hours of community garden work.
2. Water usage is our biggest expense therefore you are requested not to over-water your plot. Victorian Government Water Restrictions must be followed.
3. Area around plots MUST be kept weed free, however, you are not permitted to dig around outside of your plot under any circumstances.
4. No stakes, wires, corrugated iron sheets, plants etc., are to be left outside the boundary of plots.
5. There must be no variation to the size of the plot unless authorised by the Committee.
6. Each plot must be maintained in a neat, tidy, and weed-free condition.
Continued neglect of any plot will cause the Committee to issue a notice of cancellation of membership. Members who receive 2 audit plot notices in a 12 month period (AGM to AGM) will automatically be asked to vacate their plot within 14 days.
7. It is the duty of the plot-holder to notify a member of the committee if/when they are unable to care for the plot for any reason.
8. Each plot-holder maintains responsibility for the maintenance of the tools belonging to the Essendon Community Gardens.
9. Breakage of and loss of tools belonging to the Essendon Community Gardens must be reported immediately to a member of the committee.
10. Annual fee is for the Financial Year (1st July – 30th June) and must be paid for at/or before the Annual General Meeting. Failure to pay results in expulsion from the Gardens.
11. All plot-holders shall abide by decisions passed by the Committee and matters agreed at the Annual General Meeting.
12. Each plot-holder is responsible for ensuring that the shed door and gates are locked before vacating the Essendon Community Gardens.
13. If a plot-holder leaves the Garden or is unable to care for the plot, THE PLOT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE and must be handed back to the committee along with the gate key. Gate key deposit will be
14. If a plot-holder moves from the area covered by the Moonee Valley City Council, entitlement to membership of the Essendon Community Gardens is automatically forfeited.
15. Members who bring dogs to the ECG Inc must keep them under their control at all times.